Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. A Bit About Me

    3. Connect With Me

    4. Before We Begin

    5. Your Experiences So Far

    6. Course Structure

    1. Swarms: Prevention and Capture

    2. Quick and Dirty Hive Inspections

    1. When to Split a Hive

    2. The Basics of Making a Split

    3. Splitting for Growth

    1. Why Did My Hive Die?

    2. Cleaning Up a Dead Hive

    1. Feeding Bees: How, When, and Why

    2. Mixing 1:1 Sugar Syrup

    3. Making A Sugar Board

    4. Additional Resources on Bee Feeding and Forage

    1. Prior Knowledge

    2. Integrated Pest Management

    3. IPM: Building Your Toolbox

    4. Randy Oliver's Varroa Model

About this course

  • $39.99
  • 25 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Build your confidence and success.